Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So, despite almost losing my cool with almost crying as I was leaving my parents yesterday after they helped me set up my dorm, I'm doing much better now. My two roommates, Kayla and Kelly (waiting on the third one, Katie! Why did I not get the whole"K" memo? This is like the Kardashians.) are awesome and we met 5 other gems who are on our floor. Bree, Becky, Sam, Rae, and Kathryn. We all went out last night to a party. I was basically being the social butterfly that I am, headphones on about to fall asleep, when Becky comes in and invites us out. I swear I looked so desperate cause I was so excited haha. #myluck. It was a blast and I can't wait to spend the rest of the year with these ladies. (hopefully Stephanie too!)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

last few days in the LTZ

What a year this has been. My senior year was one of the best years of my life. With Halloween Queen court, Homecoming court, being voted Most Likely to be a Celebrity by my class, senior week, winning The Queen of Candles, getting accepted to a great university, and most of all just becoming as close as family with 11 of my best friends. Unfortunately, it has also been my worst year, weird right? With the passing of my cousin Linda and my good friend Dylan, this year has been tragic. I've learned a lot this year but one thing that I will always believe in is to cherish every moment. As corny as that sounds, I'd give anything to go back to the days with Linda, Dylan, or even back to the nights where I would stay up late hanging out with stork, sav, emma, valeria, derek, ryan, shawn, jonny, jordan, koda, and shoei. We have done some crazy things that I will never forget and cant wait to tell my own kids the shenanagins us seniors got in to. Those memories will always be close to my heart. I can't even imagine going to Temple and meeting people as great as the Brew Crew. There is something about my friends that is irreplaceable. Half of my friends have already left for college due to preseason with sports, and if I miss them already this badly, how will I survive till Thanksgiving? Guess we will find out soon.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

and then i found these....

So, i was looking through my old pictures and was I obsessed with myself or something? Haha these were when I first got my Nikon D3000...and I guess I was the only one who would model for myself.