Sunday, June 19, 2011

to the greatest man i know.

Everyone updates their twitter and facebook with tweets and status' like "happy fathers day to the best dad ever, (insert name here)!" But i beg to differ, because MY dad is the best dad EVER. I wouldn't know what to do if he was not in my life. Even the simple things he asks me to do, like go in the basement to get him a gatorade (which i usually try to give him blue because purple is my favorite, but then end up feeling guity because i once in a blue moon drink gatorade), go to Bombergers with him (which i refuse to do only if i am dying for a sugar daddy), and change the channel to 57 (black and white movies which he has seen every single one about 50 times) or golf, i will never be able to live without because it is so natural, like second nature for me to do that now (even though it still gets under my skin). So i'm saying this once and for all, I have the best dad ever, and I refuse to argue.

p.s. he still takes longer than all 4 girls in the family to get ready ;)